We decided to splash out and spend the last few nights in a bit of luxury. So we booked Villa Yabba Dabb A-duh, which despite appearances cost us less that a room in a 3-star motel in Australia would. Plus the Villa came with two cooks and gardener, not to mention a beautiful pavilion (each with a stone bathroom) and our own lookout tower!

Our lookout tower.

Our private pool and gardens.

The main bedroom pavilion in the middle, with the open air dining area to the right.

We only summoned the energy to leave our beautiful surrounds on a couple of occasions. Above, Stu makes friends with the locals whilst getting some of his photos put on CD.

The other trip out was to go jet-skiing. The consensus was that given I still had a broken ankle I should probably give it a miss. But Will, Stu and Beck both did their best to look extreme, both on and off the beach.